I’ve tried 7 times now to fill out my application on This latest time I got as far as submitting my digital signature. then there was another error… Here is my live chat transcript from just after the error.


I have filled out the forms 6 times now. Each time it says that the application is incomplete.
I keep hearing that the website works, but I just tried it again, got farther, but it had an error again, and I will not fill the forms out again.
all the information is there, but there was an error at the end.
the very end
after I "digitally signed" it

At this time the system seems to be down. Have you tried to contact the call center for assistance?

no. I filled everything out on the website.
I suggest that you tell whoever is in charge to figure out how to change the status of my application from "in progress" to "Complete"
or at least let me start over at the failing step rather than at the very beginning...
I have gone through each and every step of the application for the 4 of us 7 times now.
Social security numbers
who is related to who
Is my 2 year old daughter married or pregnant...
7 times

Ok, unfortunately I don't have control over the site. I do apologize.

at the top of the screen here it says "Chat with someone who can help"
What can you do?

I can assist you with completing the application. But, I cannot assist you with fixing the errors.

ok, how can I re-submit the application without having to re-enter all the data?

If the info did not save, Unfortunately no I cannot assist with that.

I just tried to go back to my account... The whole dang thing is actually really down
well... maybe I'll try it again, but I doubt it.

Again, I do apologize.

I'm going to put this transcript on my blog.

Ok, I have tried to ask you if you had a question related to completing the application, but your only concern is with the errors. I am not apart of our IT department. I am still not sure what you are wanting me to do?

I WAS trying to complete the application. I had problems. Unfortunately, you can't help with those problems. Like I said, pass the problems I'm having on to someone who can fix them. If they don't know what sort of problems people are having, and what kinds of fixes they need, then it's a hundred times harder to fix the problems. I understand you have done everything you can, and I don't blame you at all.

Ok, the problems you are experiencing have all been reported. They are working around the clock to fix them.


My pleasure.
Was there any other questions I could answer?

No. Thank you.

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